Sometimes, though, some roles emerge that truly aren’t easy, nor are they always sought after – for example, product photography Toronto.
Here’s a sampling of the unusual, wacky, or oddly fun occupations currently on the market.
1. Snake milker.
This may not be the weirdest job on the list, but it can be dangerous. You have to grab a venomous snake just behind the head and carry it over to a covered container. Then, you need get that snake to open its mouth and use its fangs to pierce the cover. Once the venom’s dripped into the container, the process begins again – with a different snake.
2. Embalmer.
Not too unusual, but definitely not for the squeamish. Basically, you need to get bodies ready for the funeral. This includes preserving the body – you don’t want it to rot in the casket immediately! – dressing it, fixing the deceased’s hair, and dressing it.
3. Auction assistant.
The person running the auction rarely holds the items being sold; that job goes to the auction assistants. They keep the goods in sight while people bid on the purchase.
4. Chick sexer.
Don’t worry, there’s no bestiality in this. All you need to do is segregate tiny, cheeping balls of yellow fluff according to sex. Catching a chick and holding it gently in your hands isn’t exactly easy if you’re amid a sea of them.
5. Dog food taster.
We have human taste testers – so why not for humankind’s best friend? Dogs
seem to be happy with whatever they’re fed, but you still want to make sure it’s edible. After all, they can’t tell their owners they don’t like the food.
Most of these jobs don’t take too much time; even if you have a regular job – say, in commercial photography Toronto – these can earn you extra cash. Plus, they’re a good change of pace, and you might never look at the world the same way again.
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