Sunday, January 11, 2015

3 Straightforward Tips For Adding Photos to Your Website

When it comes to websites, the phrase “less is more” often becomes the rule of thumb many establishments follow. Fancy scrolling banners, introduction animations, and other flashy extras now are considered unnecessary, since visitors usually don't have the patience for them.

Without these extras, though, how can your website stand out amid competition? Keeping it simple actually doesn't mean you can't add a photograph or two, especially if you're selling something. Item descriptions, after all, aren't the same as having good quality product photography Toronto.

Before you go overboard adding the essential photos to your website, though, here are a few tips to remember.

1. Pick a palette. While choosing a vintage look to the photos is tempting, will the yellow-brown, slightly faded colours fit in with the rest of your website? Or will it stick out like a sore thumb and give visitors a headache?

Full-colour photos are usually the best way to go, with a plain background. That doesn't mean you have to use white (although it's a recommended choice). Less saturated, lighter (i.e. almost white) shades of your company logo's colours are possible alternatives.

2. Hire a professional. If you want high quality photos, you'll need to invest in a photographer. Some companies do the do-it-yourself (DIY) route. But that doesn't mean you should, too, unless you know how to set the scene and have the needed equipment.

While you're at it, make sure you give the photographer all the details they need, particularly for the photo shoot, and be sure to put everything in writing. That way, you're on the same page and there would be less chances of miscommunication.

3. Plan ahead. Having one big photo shoot for multiple products is a good idea, compared to having several separate, smaller ones for each product, since you'll save in the long run. Also, make sure to have extra photos you can use in the future, enough to make your catalogue always look fresh and updated.

Planning ahead includes bringing any props you'll need for the shoot. At the same time, keep props to an absolute minimum, to keep the focus on your products.

You don't actually have to be an advertising photographer Toronto to use these tips well. Simply put yourself in your target audience's shoes and determine what they'd want to see. That way, potential clients are enticed, not put off.